Competition Overview
The Maritime RobotX Challenge serves as a capstone robotics competitions. Teams are to develop an Autonomous Surface Vehicle (ASV) platforms to complete a variety of tasks.
Since 2022, the RobotX Challenge has included two additional tasks which can only be accomplished through use of a Unmanned Areal Vehicle (UAV, or drone). In the competition finals, the UAV is expected to launch from the WAM-V and complete its tasks fully autonomously. To achieve the maximum available points on all eight tasks, the UAV and ASV must operate together and autonomously as a single Automated Marine System (AMS).
In previous RobotX Challenge, as well as the RoboBoat and RoboSub competitions, tasks were to be completed individually with minimal overlap. Typically, each task presented a single challenge that could be completed successfully, independent on the completion of others.This year's RobotX Challenge tasks are more interconnected than ever. Nearly every ASV task is dependent on at least one other task to achieve the maximum points.
Teams can practice on any of the eight tasks leading up to the Semi-final and Final rounds, but must qualify on at least five of them before advancing. For the Semi-final and Final rounds, all tasks will be available on the final course and each team is free to attempt as many tasks as they like time to obtain the highest score possible within one hour. In other words, teams can practice on individual tasks, but to win, they have to bring it all together!
Teams must be able to communicate status of their AMS as well and specific task-related message to the judges station.
ROS Judge’s Com Node that subscribes to all required data (ex. GPS fix, task status, task data, etc.)
Judge’s Com formats string to send to the judges
String is broadcast over ROS network
Ground station computer receives string over ROS network and relays over Judge’s network
A set of three gates will be located in the course area with a beacon placed underwater within each gate. The AMS must detect the active underwater beacon and transit through the gate in which the active beacon is located.
Task Autonomy:
Plan to gate closest to Pinger direction
Follow path through gate
Circle closest object in front
Exit through same gate as entered
Task Ready When:
At least four objects in front
Four closest objects are collinear and separated by at least 5 meters
This is a classic perception/navigation task. The ASV must detect and avoid a range of obstacles. For the 2024 event, teams will be instructed to use pathway to either exit or return to harbor, depending on the result of Scan the Code.
Task Autonomy:
Plan path through closest red Taylor-Made and closest green Taylor-Made buoy to entrance buoy
Follow path through gate
Find next two closest red Taylor-Made and closest green Taylor-Made buoy beyond previous gate
Repeat steps 2 and 3 until completed the expected number of gates or no red/green buoys remain
Task Ready When:
Scan the code complete
Entrance buoy is found
The ASV must autonomously locate the correct animal by its color, indicated by Scan the Code, and then proceed to circle that buoy in the correct direction.
Task Autonomy:
Determine which buoy scan the code dictates encircling
Plan path the encircles correct buoy in thee correct direction and with correct number of rotations
Follow path around buoy
Repeat steps 1-3 if necessary to circle second buoy
Record objects on map and send to ground station
Task Ready When:
Scan the code complete
Found three Polyform A2 buoys
At least two of them must be red, green, or blue
All three are separated at least five* meters apart and no more than fifteen* meters
*Values can be tuned
The USV will observe a light sequence on an RGB buoy and report the color pattern. Detecting the correct pattern is critical for identifying other task-related elements.
Task Ready When:
Entry gate complete
Object large enough to be light tower is in front of Minion
Task Autonomy:
Plan path to stare at light tower front a distance of ten meters
Follow planned path
Station-keep at end of path
Extract ROI (Region of Interest) of light panel from imagery
Estimate panel color for twenty-five* seconds
Filter colors to remove false positives
Based on voting determine most commonly seen, valid sequence
Send to ground station
*Values can be tuned
This task consists of a floating platform with three docking bays, each labeled with a different colored panel (red, green, or blue) and two square holes. The AMS should dock within a specific colored bay, indicated by the sequence in Scan the Code, and propel racquetballs into one of two holes.
Task Autonomy:
Plan to the entrance of a docking bay
Follow path to docking bay entrance
Check color of bay and repeat steps 1 and 2 if color is incorrect
Plan into the docking bay
Follow path into the docking bay
Align Minion with the racquetball target
Station-keep in the docking bay
Arm launcher
Fire launcher
Repeat steps 6-9 three times
Reverse out of docking bay
Task Ready When:
Scan the code complete
Three collinear docking bays have been identified and observed at least ten* times
Determine colors of each docking bay
Entrance to docking bays are clear of obstacles
*Value can be tuned
This task is designed to be accomplished using a UAV. The UAV launches from the USV, locates a floating helipad and collects a small colored tin. The UAV delivers the tin to the circular target area on another floating helipad, then returns to the USV.
Task Autonomy:
If UAV is on Minion:
Minion begins to station-keep in current location
UAV is armed by minion
UAV takes off to altitude of fifteen meters*
Fly over estimated UAV Replenishment location at altitude of fifteen* meters
Center UAV over platform
Continue descent until 1.5 meters above platform
Align to tin
Land on tin
Take off from platform with tin
Repeat steps 2-5 on other platform
Land on center of platform
Drop tin
Take off to fifteen* meters
*Values can be tuned
Task Ready When:
Scan the code complete
Minion has estimate of UAV Replenishment location
For this task, the UAV launches from a designated start point (helipad on land or AMS on water), conducts a search, detects and determines the location of two distinct objects in the field, and lands at the designated endpoint.
Task Ready When:
Scan the code complete
Minion has estimate of UAV Search and Report location
Task Autonomy:
If UAV is on Minion:
Minion begins to station-keep in current location
UAV is armed by minion
UAV takes off to altitude of fifteen meters*
Fly over estimated location from Minion
Capture image of platform
Identify if platform is R or N
Confirm Minion’s estimated location
Repeat steps 2-5 for second platform
Report R and N platform locations
Current & Past Competitions
The competition’s primary goal is to increase student interest in autonomous robotic systemsoperating in the maritime domain. Emphasis is placed on systems engineering and the science and engineering of autonomy. The Maritime RobotX Challenge will stimulate innovative approaches to autonomous sensing, on-board decision-making, and mission implementation. It will promote international endeavors in science and technology among the Pacific region communities.
Since 2014, the RobotX competition has been open to student teams from around the globe. Each team acquires a 16 ft. WAM-V standard hull as a hardware base, and works with industry partners to bring their system architecture to life. The focus of this challenge will be sensors, software, propulsion and their integration to allow successful navigation of the competition course.
Sydney, Australia
November 11-17, 2022
Honolulu, hawaii
December 2016
October 2014